Member Survey - Surveys - Forms | Namibia Health Plan

Member Survey

Dear Valued Member,

Stand a chance to win a Gondwana Collection Namibia voucher to the value of N$6000.00 by completing a 5 minute survey. Your participation is crucial in helping us develop strategies that better meet our members' needs. Survey is open from 10th of July to the 5th of August 2024. T&C’s apply.


1. Membership Number

2. Contact telephone number

3. Gender

4. Age group

5. Your NHP membership type

6. What benefit option do you fall under


1. Does your Benefit option make provision for your healthcare needs, if not, please describe suggestions on how we can improve *

2. Which area of Benefit Options do you need clarification on? *

3. What could we do to improve your overall experience with our Fund?

4. What is the best customer service you've ever received?

5. Did the customer service professional treat you with dignity?

6. Did you have easy access to our customer support services? *

7. For which problem did you contact customer support services?

8. Was your issue resolved in a timely manner?

10. How would you rate the reliability of our service? *

11. What is your level of satisfaction regarding our service? *

12. What is your opinion about our services in comparison with competitor Funds? *

13. Is the cost of our service reasonable, given the value it offers? *

14. How pleased are you with the Fund’s level of communication? *

15. How pleased are you with the Fund’s disease management programmes and their outcomes (i.e. HIV, Diabetes, Oncology etc.)

16. What type of content would you like to see from us in the future? *

17. In your opinion, what is the one item our website is missing? *

18. In your mind how would an ideal medical aid structure look like? *

19. Which of the following social media platforms do you use? *

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us and will help improve our services.

We appreciate your support and participation.


Select and download all application, registration and request forms as well as information on NHP’s designated service providers, tariffs and travel insurance.

See all forms

Information and Services

Benefit suggestions

These life stages aim to illustrate the thoughtful consideration given to the evolving healthcare needs of individuals at different points in their lives. By aligning medical aid benefits with these life stages, we ensure that our members receive targeted and effective healthcare support throughout their journey.

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