Mindful Revolution - Programmes | Namibia Health Plan

Mindful Revolution

Are you ready for the future? Face change with confidence.

Are you ready for the future? Face change with confidence.
Are you ready for the future? Face change with confidence.

56% of adults reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorders during this pandemic. It has never been more important to invest in your own mental wellbeing, in order to cultivate and develop resilience and mental capacity for great performance.

Join us to learn ways to enable you to thrive in this ever-changing world.

Learning tools to develop these skills is the start of a mindful revolution, the outcome of which is a healthier, happier and more engaged you; and ultimately a community thriving in the way that they live their lives.

A 7-month NHP sponsored journey for our members!

We will provide tools that enable NHP members and dependants to actively care for their mental wellbeing – our purpose is to help members thrive by instilling a habit of self-care and developing skills to support productivity and grow resilience.

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Men & Men-tal Health

  • The Pressure to Conform to Traditional Masculinity
  • Difficulty Recognizing Symptoms and Expressing Emotions
  • Stigma and Societal Perception
  • Coping Mechanisms and Communication Preferences

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Choosing Our Children

  • Raise better children for the world, not just leave a better world for them.
  • Parents have a significant impact on themselves and those around them.
  • Adolescence is a crucial time for developing social and emotional habits for mental well-being.
  • Parents should actively assist their children during these challenging years.

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Mental Health Strategies for Leaders

  • Burnout is a state of physical and emotional exhaustion caused by work-related stress.
  • Maintaining balance becomes challenging when boundaries are blurred.
  • True leadership is not solely defined by a job title; it involves self-management.
  • Attention is a valuable resource for focus and effectiveness.
  • Prioritizing self-care as a leader allows for compassion towards colleagues and encourages it in others.

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The Best Moves To Make When It Comes To Your Mental Health

  • Intentional movement helps release stored tension or emotion.
  • It can create safety for individuals who have experienced trauma.
  • Movement helps the brain recognize tension and relaxatio.
  • It’s important to create small gaps for movement throughout the day.
  • Quick stretches or mindful walks can keep the body in motio.
  • Being kind to the body is being kind to the mind.

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Bingo Booster Series

  • Launch and Intro into the BPS Model
  • Talking Anxiety and Depression
  • Online Sleep
  • Online Nutritionist
  • Online Stretch
  • Online Gratitude Session
  • Mind Body Connection
  • Wrap-up and Prizegiving

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Building Tenacity and Resilience

  • Bouncing Back vs. Prolonged Recovery
  • Coping with Change
  • Inevitable Challenges
  • Navigate with Resilience

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Information and Services

Benefit suggestions

These life stages aim to illustrate the thoughtful consideration given to the evolving healthcare needs of individuals at different points in their lives. By aligning medical aid benefits with these life stages, we ensure that our members receive targeted and effective healthcare support throughout their journey.

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