NHP Wellness Programme - Added Value Benefits | Namibia Health Plan

NHP Wellness Programme

A rapid increase in chronic conditions fueled by lifestyle choices has resulted in an increased focus on preventative strategies to counteract their negative effects. NHP has identified preventative care as a key focus area going into the future and has incorporated a preventative care benefit into the benefit design without influencing your day-today benefit or impacting on your Roll-Over Benefit. The intention is to shift the focus from curative, to primary and preventative care. The NHP Wellness Programme forms part of a greater effort to support the focus on preventative treatment.

Becoming aware of your health risks can lead to specific goals and planning to reduce the risks of certain diseases and sicknesses, enhance health, improve productivity in the organisation, increase job satisfaction and reduce absenteeism.

Our NHP Wellness Programme is a practical programme aimed at empowering you to take ownership of your own health and well-being. The Beneficiary Risk Management (BRM) Programme targets key lifestyle factors that influence your healthcare risks. These lifestyle factors include stress, weight control, smoking, diet, nutrition and exercise. The BRM Programme is a tool to manage your healthcare risk in order to start early intervention and active engagement. NHP provides clinical expertise and guidance that equips you with vital information necessary to benchmark your health. The NHP Wellness Programme set of services are based on the following principles:

  • Face-to-face interaction with onsite screenings;
  • Identification of high risk members;
  • Communication with high risk members;
  • Active enrollment and intervention via case management;
  • Monitoring member compliance to treatment;
  • Updating beneficiary data;
  • Measuring of outcome;
  • Tailored (Individualised) feedback.

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Benefit suggestions

These life stages aim to illustrate the thoughtful consideration given to the evolving healthcare needs of individuals at different points in their lives. By aligning medical aid benefits with these life stages, we ensure that our members receive targeted and effective healthcare support throughout their journey.

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