Titanium - All Benefits Options | Namibia Health Plan

About Titanium

NHP Titanium is aimed at your young family that prefers the security a structured benefit package offers. It is ideally suited for those whose health risk can best be described as low to moderate. The Titanium option provides a generous overall annual limit that applies benefits on a “per-family” basis, when necessary, as benefits are not solely allocated on a per-beneficiary basis.

Note: All services are paid at 100% of the NAMAF benchmark tariff, unless indicated to the contrary.

Compare to other Benefit Options

  • In-hospital & out of hospital services
  • Chronic and acute medicine
  • Basic and specialised radiology – in and out-hospital
  • Dentistry
  • Psychiatric treatment
  • Maternity
  • Preventative Care
  • Optical
  • Pathology and auxiliary services
  • Diabetic Devices Benefit
  • Back and Neck rehabilitation programme
  • Ambulance services
Age Principal Member Adult / Special dep Child dep
0-25 3,290 2,222 1,189
26-30 3,616 2,578 1,189
31-35 4,066 3,013 1,189
36-40 4,548 3,366 1,189
41-45 4,942 3,801 1,189
46-50 5,300 4,089 1,189
51-55 5,546 4,349 1,189
56-60 6,150 4,703 1,189
61-65 6,501 5,131 1,189
66+ 6,979 5,331 1,189
Age Principal Member Adult / Special dep Child dep
0-25 2,990 1,844 984
26-30 3,217 2,175 984
31-35 3,552 2,259 984
36-40 3,876 2,491 984
41-45 4,279 2,814 984
46-50 4,557 3,015 984
51-55 4,800 3,393 984
56-60 5,215 3,613 984
61-65 5,595 4,376 984
66+ 6,228 4,595 984
Principal Adult/Special dependant Child
4,460 920 920

Example Roll-over Benefit: (Principal member + spouse + two children) = N$ 7,220.00 per year.


Employer Group Application Form Membership Application Form Benefit Guide 2025 User Guide 2025

    NAMAF tarriff or % thereof Principal Member Per Additional Beneficiary Per Family Conditions
Overall Annual Limit (OAL) 1,701,000 2,541,000
1. Healthcare provider or medical specialists SPA
1.1 Consultations or visits: In-hospital 150%
1.2 Procedures: In-hospital 150%
2. Chronic medicine 9,470 14,900
2.1 Chronic medicine approved: Min levy of N$ 30 - subject to prior registration on Chronic Care programme 80% No benefit with- out registration
3. Hospital services SPA
3.1 Accommodation and theatre 100%
3.2 Blood transfusions 100%
3.3 Dialysis 100%
3.4 Medication 100%
3.5 Accommodation: Private wards 100% 13,230 25,935
3.6 Accommodation other than a recognised hospital or medical institution: SA only 100% 919 per day
3.7 Appliances and prosthesis: Surgical 100% 58,905 68,040
3.8 Refractive surgery: Full procedure - a waiting period of 12 months will apply 100% 12,000 14,500
3.9 Organ transplants: Full procedure 100% 127,050
3.10 Private nursing 100% 30,870 30,870
3.11 Oncology 100% 676,200
4. Radiology SPA
4.1 Radiology: Specialised MRI and CT scans - In-and-out of hospital combined 100% 24,465
4.2 Basic Radiology: In-hospital 100%
5. Pathology
5.1 Pathology: In-hospital 100%
6. Dentistry SPA
6.1 Oral surgery: Full procedure 100% 58,800
6.2 Maxillo facial surgery: Non-elective only 100%
6.3 Dental Implants
6.3.1 Hospitalisation 100% Subject to Advanced dentistry - Day-to-day
6.3.2 Implant: Consultation, procedure and cost 100% Subject to Advanced dentistry - Day-to-day
7. Psychiatric treatment 29,500 48,195 SPA
7.1 Hospitalisation or institutionalisation 100%
7.2 Rehabilitation of alcohol and drug addiction or abuse 100% SPA
8. Maternity
8.1 Confinement: Full procedure - subject to pre-authorisation 100% SPA
8.2 Antenatal consultations 100% 12 Visits OAL
8.3 Sonar scans: 2D 100% 2 Scans OAL
8.4 Amniocentesis 100% SPA
8.5 Panorama Prenatal test 100% SPA
9. Preventative care OAL
9.1 Preventative care benefits: As per list 100%
10. Specified illness conditions 44,940 OAL
10.1 HIV/AIDS: Including the cost of pathology tests 100% SPA
10.2 Sexually transmitted diseases 100% 3,885 5,135 SPA
11. Ambulance services: Only for medical or trauma emergencies SPA
11.1 Emergency evacuation: Air 100%
11.2 Ambulance services 100%
11.3 Ambulance services: Inter-hospital transfer 100% 5,397 5,397
11.4 Other transportation 80%
12. Artificial limbs or eyes SPA
12.1 Artificial limbs 100% 31,185
12.2 Artificial eyes 100% 15,645
13. Heart surgery: Rehabilitation 100% 18,900 OAL
14. Intra Uterine device: All inclusive - every 3 years 100% 7,770 OAL
15. Stoma Care products 100% 36,435 OAL
16. Back and Neck Rehabilitation Programme 100% Subject to DBC protocol OAL

NAMAF tarriff or % thereof Principal Member Per Additional Beneficiary Per Family Conditions
Out-of-hospital: Sub-limit OAL
1. Healthcare provider or medical specialists 10,206 2,216
1.1 Consultations or visits: Out-of-hospital 100% Unlimited, max 5 virtual consultations Unlimited, max 5 virtual consultations
1.1.1 Consultations or visits: Out-of-hospital: When healthcare provider or medical specialists benefit has been depleted 100% 1 General Practitioner visit per registered beneficiary Subject to registration on chronic care programme
1.2 Procedures: Out-of-hospital services 100%
1.3 Pathology or Radiology: Out-of-hospital 100%
1.4 Chronic Lifestyle Disease Extender benefit 100% Additional benefits as specified OAL
2. Medicine and injections
2.1 Acute medicine 5,800 720
2.1.1 Acute medicine: Pharmacy dispensed - min levy of N$ 30 80%
2.1.2 Acute medicine: Doctors dispensed - min levy of N$ 30 80%
2.1.3 Self medication: Over-the-counter - no levy subject to acute medicine limit 100% 1,220 240 255 per claim
2.1.4 Vitamins, homeopathic and phytotherapy medicines - min levy of N$ 30 - subject to acute medicine limit 80% 675 220 255 per claim
3. Dentistry 12,180 21,945
3.1 Basic dentistry: Subject to sub-limit 100% 6,930 1,733
3.2 Dental technicians 100%
3.3 Advanced dentistry
3.3.1 Orthodontics 100%
3.3.2 Dental implants: Full procedure 100%
4. Optical 4,242 1,271
4.1 Eye tests 100% Frame limited to 1 460
4.2 Spectacles or lenses: Frames every 2nd year 100%
4.3 Orthoptics 100%
5. Auxiliary services 13,755 767
5.1 Chiropody 100% 15 Visits, including 5 virtual consultations
5.2 Clinical psychology 100% 15 Visits, including 5 virtual consultations
5.3 Dietician 100% 15 Visits, including 5 virtual consultations
5.4 Homeopathy: Consultation only 100% 15 Visits, including 5 virtual consultations
5.5 Occupational therapy 100% 15 Visits, including 5 virtual consultations
5.6 Social Workers 100% 15 Visits, including 5 virtual consultations
5.7 Physiotherapy 100% 15 Visits, including 5 virtual consultations
5.8 Biokinetics 100% 15 Visits, including 5 virtual consultations
5.9 Audiology or speech therapy 100% 15 Visits, including 5 virtual consultations
5.10 Chiropractic 100% 15 Visits, including 5 virtual consultations
5.11 Podiatry 100% 15 Visits, including 5 virtual consultations
5.12 Chinese medicine and acupuncture visits 100% 15 Visits, including 5 virtual consultations
6. Appliances: Non-surgical 100% OAL OAL SPA
6.1 Wheelchair 10 500 every 3 years 15 750 every 3 years
6.2 Hearing aid 30 000 every 3 years 45 000 every 3 years 15,000 per ear
6.3 Other external appliances 7,500 11,250
7. Diabetic devices benefit OAL
7.1 Insulin Pumps/Glucose Monitoring System/Glucose reader 80% 40,005
7.2 Diabetes related consumables for insulin pumps/Glucose Monitoring System/Glucose reader 80% 50,000 50,000
8. Smart Saver benefit
8.1 Health Risk Assessment 100% 824
8.2 Preventative Care Incentives 100% 110 110
9. Roll-Over benefit 100% 4,460 920 920

  • Flu vaccines are covered as part of the preventative care benefit.
  • 1 COVID-19 vaccine regimen per year are covered as part of the preventative care benefit for all beneficiaries older than 16 years.
  • Vitamins under specific conditions to be authorised from the chronic medication benefit.
  • Limited benefit for vitamins available under 2.1.4. above, without a prescription.
  • NHP pays for contraceptives (oral and injections) limited to N$268 per claim.
  • Sunblock may be purchased at pharmacies under the self-medication benefit.
  • Pre-authorised travelling costs for specialist referrals in Namibia partly covered if residing more than 150km from Windhoek - Accommodation included, limited to N$919 per night, maximum of 2 nights per family per annum.
  • No basic dentistry will be covered under the oral surgery benefit.
  • Intra ocular lenses included in Appliances and prosthesis surgical benefit - limited to N$7 350 per lens. Refer to 3.7.
  • Blood pressure monitor: N$850 per family every 3 years. Subject to registration on the Fund's chronic care programme.
  • Auxiliary services - 15 consultations inclusive of 5 virtual consultations per listed specialities. Subject to available benefits.
  • A Smart Saver benefit is added to a family's Accumulated Roll-Over benefit on completion of:
    • A health risk assessment by the principal member or an adult dependent at any of the Fund's Wellness Days or at a qualifying pharmacy;
    • Any of the preventative care benefits offered by the Fund by a qualifying beneficiary.


Select and download all application, registration and request forms as well as information on NHP’s designated service providers, tariffs and travel insurance.

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Information and Services

Benefit suggestions

These life stages aim to illustrate the thoughtful consideration given to the evolving healthcare needs of individuals at different points in their lives. By aligning medical aid benefits with these life stages, we ensure that our members receive targeted and effective healthcare support throughout their journey.

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