Choosing Our Children - Mindful Revolution - Programmes | Namibia Health Plan

Choosing Our Children

NHP Mindful Revolution: Masterclass - Choosing our Children
NHP Mindful Revolution: Masterclass - Choosing our Children

While we frequently discuss the need to leave a better world for our children, we often overlook the importance of raising better children for the world. As parents, we guide our households and have a constant impact on both ourselves and those around us. Recognizing this, we become aware of our influence on our own mental states and the world at large.

During adolescence, the World Health Organization emphasizes the development of social and emotional habits crucial for mental well-being, such as cultivating healthy sleep patterns, exercising regularly, acquiring coping and problem-solving skills, learning to manage emotions and fostering supportive environments within the family, school and wider community. As parents, let’s play an active role in assisting our children through these trying years.

Watch the NHP Mindful Revolution session focused on the mental health of children, what it means and how to support your teenagers. It’s a family affair – everyone is welcome to watch the session.


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These life stages aim to illustrate the thoughtful consideration given to the evolving healthcare needs of individuals at different points in their lives. By aligning medical aid benefits with these life stages, we ensure that our members receive targeted and effective healthcare support throughout their journey.

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