News | Namibia Health Plan


Our articles provide you with the most recent industry related news and information, including local and international health days.

Play like a child again

Playing has many benefits for adults – great for stress relief and stimulates creativity.

Music: More than just soul-medicine!

Research indicates that music is capable of reducing levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

A guideline to your babies reaction to sounds

A 4 month old recognises a familiar voice and turns toward the voice.

A guideline to your babies hearing and language development

Toddlers enjoy playing peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake.

Good hearing makes life easier

The good news is that hearing problems can be treated if they’re caught early.

Metabolism and weight loss

Diet can have a large impact on your metabolism, but only if you keep eating.


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Information and Services

Benefit suggestions

These life stages aim to illustrate the thoughtful consideration given to the evolving healthcare needs of individuals at different points in their lives. By aligning medical aid benefits with these life stages, we ensure that our members receive targeted and effective healthcare support throughout their journey.

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