Back & Neck Programme - Added Value Benefits | Namibia Health Plan

Back & Neck Programme

This benefit is applicable to members on all options (including the Blue Diamond and Litunga benefit options) and further subject to application and pre-authorisation. The benefit is intended to fund the cost of Document Based Care (DBC) conservative treatment for chronic back and neck ailments.

Access to this benefit is limited to the identification processes below:

  • Referral by the treating general practitioner or specialist of eligible members who would benefit from the DBC back and neck programme, as opposed to surgery in the first instance and postsurgical rehabilitation.
  • Pre-emptive identification of eligible beneficiaries.
  • Pre-emptive identification through requests for hospital authorisation relating to surgery.
  • Identification of eligible employee as part of Wellness Day screenings, with subsequent referral to the DBC Programme. The benefit makes provision for consultations by the general practitioner and treatment by the physiotherapist and biokineticist.

The treatment protocol includes:

  • Initial assessment.
  • 1st Cycle of treatment sessions and interim assessment by medical doctor.
  • 2nd Cycle of treatment sessions and re-assessment by medical doctor.
  • Bi-monthly maintenance sessions, if approved. Funding of this conservative treatment is funded from the Major Medical Expense risk benefit and not from day-to-day, since this programme offers conservative treatment for back and neck related conditions.


Select and download all application, registration and request forms as well as information on NHP’s designated service providers, tariffs and travel insurance.

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Benefit suggestions

These life stages aim to illustrate the thoughtful consideration given to the evolving healthcare needs of individuals at different points in their lives. By aligning medical aid benefits with these life stages, we ensure that our members receive targeted and effective healthcare support throughout their journey.

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