Basic Mental Health First Aid Course - Programmes | Namibia Health Plan

Basic Mental Health First Aid Course

Introducing the NHP Mental Health First Aid Training Course. This course is a first in Namibia and is offered free of charge to all NHP members through a personalised member voucher.

Learn the basic knowledge and skills to identify changes in your employees, family and colleagues that might suggest mental health struggles. Learn to best support them and get them the appropriate professional support they need. The goal is to prevent small mental challenges from becoming significant mental health problems that could affect long-term employee well-being and productivity.

Course topics

Course topics
Course topics
  • The local and global state of mental health
  • The cost and ROI of mental health
  • Stigma and other limits to access of healthcare
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • What is mental health/illness
  • Factors that contribute to mental illness
  • Stress, distress, mental illness and the brain
  • An overview of common mental disorders
  • Mental health first aid model
  • Mental health first aid champion characteristics and skills
  • Basic communication skills
  • Risk-assessment
  • Looking out for signs of mental distress
  • Talking to a co-worker about your concerns
  • Talking about suicide Encouraging seeking help


How to Register


Select and download all application, registration and request forms as well as information on NHP’s designated service providers, tariffs and travel insurance.

See all forms

Information and Services

Benefit suggestions

These life stages aim to illustrate the thoughtful consideration given to the evolving healthcare needs of individuals at different points in their lives. By aligning medical aid benefits with these life stages, we ensure that our members receive targeted and effective healthcare support throughout their journey.

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